3 Ways to Take Care of Yourself

Jeremy Hoover
2 min readMay 10, 2022

If you’ve ever felt so busy or stressed that you didn’t know where to turn, you’re not alone!

Life often lays down a gauntlet to challenge us with. It’s common to feel at your wit’s end.

There are things we must do to take care of ourselves.

Below, I will provide three things I do daily that help me de-stress, protect and hold space for myself, and stay calm.


I begin and end my day with about 10 minutes of meditation. I don’t time myself religiously, so some sessions are a little longer or a little shorter than 10 minutes. The important thing is to stick with the process.

If you are uncomfortable with meditation, you can get similar benefits just by sitting quietly for a period of time. Leave your phone somewhere else with the volume down, turn the tv off, and sit. It’s okay for thoughts to run through your mind. Just acknowledge them and let it go.

Then, get on with your day (if it’s the morning) or get ready for bed (if it’s the evening).

Go for a walk

Walking, in my opinion, is one of the best things you can do for yourself. I aim for a 30 minute walk daily. I don’t get it in every day but I miss it on the days I don’t.

Walking will help your body increase blood flow and the movement will be good for you. As you walk, you will find your mind clearing and increased creativity will take over. You will find solutions to problems you are working on and new ideas will be generated.

Eat healthy

The way we eat, and what we eat, contributes to stress. We quickly eat fast food meals while on the run from one place to another.

There is something about the ritual of preparing a meal at home that is soothing and stress-relieving. One of the easiest ways to do this is to prepare a large salad for one of your meals. Chopping and prepping a salad can become meditative in its own right.

Plus, there is the added benefit of eating something very healthy every day.

If you find yourself stressed out, rushing frantically, and feeling out of control in your life, try these things and see if they help you calm down, find clarity, and be at peace.

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I’m looking for two partners to mentor in my essential oils distributorship business. When you’re ready to invest in your future to better your health and finances, leave a comment here and let’s talk.

