Take a Moment to Reflect

Jeremy Hoover
2 min readApr 17, 2022


Take a moment to slow down.

Take a moment to reflect on what is most important to you.

Take a moment to reflect on what you really value.

Take a moment to ask yourself how well your life, as it is, aligns with those things.

Today, for Christians, is Easter Sunday, a day set aside to remember the resurrection of Jesus. In Christian history, Jesus was crucified on Friday and laid in a tomb, where he remained until Sunday. When some women arrived to pay him homage, the tomb stone was rolled away, and Jesus’s body was gone. He was risen!

Eventually, disciples and followers of Jesus began to have experiences with the risen Jesus. These experiences made something very clear–Jesus had been transformed. He was new. He could do things he couldn’t do before. And he called his followers to wait for a similar transformation–one that would begin when he sent the Spirit of God to be with them.

Spirituality is the process of transformation that we undergo when we begin to pay attention to the desires and urges within us to become centered in something greater than ourselves.

It’s the process of transformation that occurs when we confront our egos and begin to strip away (or let be stripped away) those parts that belong with our false self so that we can live into our true self.

A saying goes, “The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago. The next best time is today.”

You may not be where you want to be, spiritually. That’s ok. Start your practice today.

Today is as good a time as ever to give attention to where you are and where you want to be.

Spiritual transformation is a lifelong process. But it starts when we acknowledge the process and begin working toward improvement.

How will you start? Or, if you’re already on the journey, how will you continue to make progress?

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