The Lull of Loneliness

Jeremy Hoover
1 min readJun 10, 2022


Today’s theme: Loneliness.

This may say more about myself than you. But I hope you’ll find value in my words.

I had two interesting conversations yesterday with End of Life Doulas (thank you, Janet Pillay and Susie Ruth). It brought me back to my time as pastor when I worked with traditional churches.

It took me awhile to clue in that churches are often places of loneliness. This is especially pronounced at the time of death, when some families yearn for someone to walk alongside them and be present with them in their grief.

But, many church members, and even pastors, are uncomfortable with this. So they stay away…and the ones grieving stay lonely.

I wonder if this is also the case for digital nomads…

or solo entrepreneurs…

or employees working behind an office door or the walls of a cubicle…

or stay-at-home parents who take care of children all day…

or people are depressed…or grieving…or anxious…

Loneliness is a burden. I’ve been there. I stand with you.

If you need to chat, or want some encouragement, comment below. Or, schedule a free, 30-minute conversation with me here. I’m always open to talk with those who need some healing hope.


#loneliness #hope #conversations #mentalhealth

